Gravitational Potential Energy - Fridge Physics

Lifting an object in a gravitational field transfers energy into the objects gravitational energy store. Gravitational potential energy is the energy an object has due to its height above Earth.

What is Gravitational potential energy?

Lifting an object in a gravitational field transfers energy into the objects gravitational energy store. Gravitational potential energy is the energy an object has due to its height above Earth. The equation for gravitational potential energy is GPE = mgh, where m is the mass in kilograms, g is the gravitational field strength (9.8 N/Kg on Earth), and h is the height above the ground in meters.

Gravitational potential energy equation

To calculate Gravitational potential energy we use this equation.

$E_p = mgh$

Gravitational potential energy demo

In this tutorial you will learn how to calculate the energy stored in an elevated object.

Chilled practice question

Copy out the question and attempt to calculate the answer before watching the solution. Write down the equation and show all of your working, remember to add the units to your answer, this routine will guarantee you maximum marks in an exam. Mark your solution and correct if needed.

A barrel is lifted onto a shelf 3.5 m from the ground. The barrel has a mass of 22 Kg. Calculate the energy in its G.P.E store.

Frozen practice question

Copy out the question and attempt to calculate the answer before watching the solution. Write down the equation and show all of your working, remember to add the units to your answer, this routine will guarantee you maximum marks in an exam. Mark your solution and correct if needed.

A ski lift transfers 11 KJ of energy into a mans G.P.E energy store. The man has a mass of 55 Kg, calculate the height he was elevated.

Science in context

Lifting an object in a gravitational field transfers energy into the objects gravitational energy store.

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