CCEA Double award unit 2 solutions Archives - Fridge Physics

CCEA Double award unit 2 solutions


Resistance is an electrical quantity that measures how a device or material reduces the electrical current flow through it.

What is Resistance?

Resistance is an electrical quantity that measures how the device or material reduces the electrical current flow through it. Resistance is measured in ohms (Ω).If we make a comparison of resistance to water flow in pipes, the resistance is greater when the pipe is thinner, so the water flow is decreased It slows down which also happens to the flow of electricity.

Resistance equation

To calculate Resistance we write the equation like this.

$V = { \mathit I \, \mathit R} $

Resistance demo

In this tutorial you will learn how to calculate the resistance in an electrical circuit.

Chilled practice question

Calculate the resistance of a bulb supplied with 8 V and a current flow of 2 A.

Frozen practice question

Calculate the current in a circuit which has a resistance of 16 Ω and a potential difference of 8 V.

Science in context

Resistance reduces the flow of electricity.

Millie’s Master Methods

The Fridge Physics Store

Resistance in Series and Parallel

Resistors in series and in parallel can change the total resistance in a circuit.

What is Resistance in series and parallel?

Resistors in series and in parallel change the total resistance in a circuit. Special components called resistors are made especially for creating a precise quantity of resistance in a circuit. They are generally made of metal wire or carbon and constructed to maintain a stable steady amount of resistance over a wide range of environmental conditions.

Resistance in series and parallel equation

To calculate Resistance in series we use this equation.

$R_t = {\mathit R_1 \text + \mathit R_2}$

Resistance in series and parallel demo

In this tutorial you will learn how to calculate the total resistance of resistors in series and parallel.

Chilled practice question

Calculate the current in a circuit if it is supplied with a voltage of 36 V and has two resistors in series one 6 Ω and the other 3 Ω.

Frozen practice question

Three resistors are connected in parallel, resistor A is 2 Ω , resistor B is 4 Ω, and resistor C is 5 Ω . What is the total resistance in the circuit ?

Science in context

Resistance in series and parallel change the total resistance in a circuit

Millie’s Master Methods

The Fridge Physics Store

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